Saturday, December 11, 2010,SqlServer Mixed Code

1) What you thing about the WebPortal ?
Answer: Web portal is nothing but a page that allows a user to customize his/her homepage. We can use Widgets to create that portal we have only to drag and drop widgets on the page. The user can set his Widgets on any where on the page where he has to get them. Widgets are nothing but a page area that helps particular function to response. Widgets example are address books, contact lists, RSS feeds, clocks, calendars, play lists, stock tickers, weather reports, traffic reports, dictionaries, games and another such beautiful things that we can not imagine. We can also say Web Parts in Share Point Portal. These are one of Ajax-Powered.

2) How to start Outlook,NotePad file in AsP.NET with code ?
Answer: Here is the syntax to open outlook or notepad file in ASP.NET VB.NET Process.Start("Notepad.exe") Process.Start("msimn.exe"); C#.NET System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("msimn.exe"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Notepad.exe");

3) What is the purpose of IIS ?
Answer: We can call IIS(Internet Information Services) a powerful Web server that helps us creating highly reliable, scalable and manageable infrastructure for Web application which runs on Windows Server 2003. IIS helps development center and increase Web site and application availability while lowering system administration costs. It also runs on Windows NT/2000 platforms and also for above versions. With IIS, Microsoft includes a set of programs for building and administering Web sites, a search engine, and support for writing Web-based applications that access database. IIS also called http server since it process the http request and gets http response.

4) What is main difference between GridLayout and FormLayout ?
Answer: GridLayout helps in providing absolute positioning of every control placed on the page.It is easier to devlop page with absolute positioning because control can be placed any where according to our requirement.But FormLayout is little different only experience Web Devloper used this one reason is it is helpful for wider range browser.If there is absolute positioning we can notice that there are number of DIV tags.But in FormLayout whole work are done through the tables.

5) How Visual SourceSafe helps Us ?
Answer: One of the powerful tool provided by Microsoft to keep up-to-date of files system its keeps records of file history once we add files to source safe it can be add to database and the changes ade by diffrenet user to this files are maintained in database from that we can get the older version of files to.This also helps in sharing,merging of files.

6) What is Partial Classes in Asp.Net 2.0?
partial classes mean that your class definition can be split into multiple physical files. Logically, partial classes do not make any difference to the compiler. During compile time, it simply groups all the various partial classes and treats them as a single entity.
Benefits of Partial Classes
One of the greatest benefits of partial classes is that they allow a clean separation of business logic and the user interface (in particular, the code that is generated by the Visual Studio Designer). Using partial classes, the UI code can be hidden from the developer, who usually has no need to access it anyway. Partial classes also make debugging easier, as the code is partitioned into separate files. This feature also helps members of large development teams work on their pieces of a project in separate physical files

7) What is an HTTP handler in ASP.NET? Can we use it to upload files? What is HttpModule?
The HttpHandler and HttpModule are used by ASP.NET to handle requests. Whenever the IIS Server recieves a request, it looks for an ISAPI filter that is capable of handling web requests. In ASP.NET, this is done by aspnet_isapi.dll. Same kind of process happens when an ASP.NET page is trigerred. It looks for HttpHandler in the web.config files for any request setting. As in machine.config default setting, the .aspx files are mapped to PageHandlerFactory, and the .asmx files are mapped to the WebServiceHandlerFactory. There are many requests processed by ASP.NET in this cycle, like BeginRequest, AuthenticateRequest, AuthorizeRequest, AcquireRequestState, ResolveRequestCache, Page Constructor, PreRequestHandlerExecute, Page.Init, Page.Load, PostRequestHandlerExecute, ReleaseRequestState, UpdateRequestCache, EndRequest, PreSendRequestHeaders, PreSendRequestContent.

Yes, the HttpHandler may be used to upload files.

HttpModules are components of .NET that implement the System.Web.IHttpModule interface. These components register for some events and are then invoked during the request processing. It implements the Init and the Dispose methods. HttpModules has events like AcquireRequestState, AuthenticateRequest, AuthorizeRequest, BeginRequest, Disposed , EndRequest, Error, PostRequestHandlerExecute, PreRequestHandlerExecute, PreSendRequestHeaders, ReleaseRequestState, ResolveRequestCache, UpdateRequestCache

8) How the find the N the maximum salary of an employee?


9) What is @@connection?

The Query Designer supports the use of certain SQL Server constants, variables, and reserved column names in the Grid or SQL panes. Generally, you can enter these values by typing them in, but the Grid pane will not display them in drop-down lists. Examples of supported names include:
· IDENTITYCOL If you enter this name in the Grid or SQL pane, the SQL Server will recognize it as a reference to an auto-incrementing column.
· Predefined global values You can enter values such as @@CONNECTIONS and @@CURSOR_ROW into the Grid and SQL panes.
· Constants (niladic functions) You can enter constant values such as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and CURRENT_USER in either pane.
· NULL If you enter NULL in the Grid or SQL panes, it is treated as a literal value, not a constant.

10) How to copy one total column data to another column?
Update Set COLUMN2 = COLUMN1

Here copy column1 to column2

11) What is Global.asax?
Global.asax is a file used to declare application-level events and objects. Global.asax is the ASP.NET extension of the ASP Global.asa file. ...
the ASP.NET page framework assumes that you have not defined any applicationa/Session events in the application.

12) What is boxing and UnBoxing?
Lets now jump to Boxing. Sometimes we need to convert ValueTypes to Reference Types also known as boxing. Lets see a small example below. You see in the example I wrote "implicit boxing" which means you don't need to tell the compiler that you are boxing Int32 to object because it takes care of this itself although you can always make explicit boxing as seen below right after implicit boxing.

Int32 x = 10; object o = x ; // Implicit boxing Console.WriteLine("The Object o = {0}",o); // prints out 10 //----------------------------------------------------------- Int32 x = 10; object o = (object) x; // Explicit Boxing Console.WriteLine("The object o = {0}",o); // prints out 10

Lets now see UnBoxing an object type back to value type. Here is a simple code that unbox an object back to Int32 variable. First we need to box it so that we can unbox.
Int32 x = 5; object o = x; // Implicit Boxing x = o; // Implicit UnBoxing
So, you see how easy it is to box and how easy it is to unbox. The above example first boxs Int32 variable to an object type and than simply unbox it to x again. All the conversions are taking place implicitly. Everything seems right in this example there is just one small problem which is that the above code is will not compile. You cannot Implicitly convert a reference type to a value type. You must explicitly specify that you are unboxing as shown in the code below.
Int32 x = 5; object o = x; // Implicit Boxing x = (Int32)o; // Explicit UnBoxing
Lets see another small example of unboxing.
Int32 x = 5; // declaring Int32 Int64 y = 0; // declaring Int64 double object o = x; // Implicit Boxing y = (Int64)o; // Explicit boxing to double Console.WriteLine("y={0}",y);
This example will not work. It will compile successfully but at runtime It will generate an exception of System.InvalidCastException. The reason is variable x is boxed as Int32 variable so it must be unboxed to Int32 variable. So, the type the variable uses to box will remain the same when unboxing the same variable. Of course you can cast it to Int64 after unboxing it as Int32 as follows:
Int32 x = 5; // declaring Int32 Int64 y = 0; // declaring Int64 double object o = x; // Implicit Boxing y = (Int64)(Int32)o; // Unboxing and than casting to double Console.WriteLine("y={0}",y);

13) What is WPF? WCF?
Windows Presentation Foundation, it is to develop the applications which contains Rich Graphics. Example Google Earth.
Windows Communication Foundation is the framework to develop the SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) based applications. Which applications can be communicated with any applications that are developed using any other technologies?

14) what is web service?

Web services are frequently just Web APIs that can be accessed over a network, such as the Internet, and executed on a remote system hosting the requested services
The W3C Web service definition encompasses many different systems, but in common usage the term refers to clients and servers that communicate over the HTTP protocol used on the Web. Such services tend to fall into one of two camps: Big Web Services and RESTful Web Services.
"Big Web Services" use XML messages that follow the SOAP standard and have been popular with traditional enterprise. In such systems, there is often machine-readable description of the operations offered by the service written in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). The latter is not a requirement of a SOAP endpoint, but it is a prerequisite for automated client-side code generation in many Java and .NET SOAP frameworks (frameworks such as Spring, Apache Axis2 and Apache CXF being notable exceptions). Some industry organizations, such as the WS-I, mandate both SOAP and WSDL in their definition of a Web service.

15) How to know whether the Table ‘xyz’ exists or not?
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Country_Master]') AND type in (N'U'))

16) Difference between an Interface and Abstract class?
(1) An abstract class may contain complete or
incomplete methods. Interfaces can contain only the
signature of a method but no body. Thus an abstract class
can implement methods but an interface can not implement
(2) An abstract class can contain fields,
constructors, or destructors and implement properties. An
interface can not contain fields, constructors, or
destructors and it has only the property's signature but no
(3) An abstract class cannot support multiple
inheritance, but an interface can support multiple
inheritance. Thus a class may inherit several interfaces
but only one abstract class.
(4) A class implementing an interface has to
implement all the methods of the interface, but the same is
not required in the case of an abstract Class.
(5) Various access modifiers such as abstract,
protected, internal, public, virtual, etc. are useful in
abstract Classes but not in interfaces.
(6) Abstract classes are faster than interfaces.

17) What is IL?
A language that is generated from programming source code, but that cannot be directly executed by the CPU. Also called "bytecode," "p-code," "pseudo code" or "pseudo language," the intermediate language (IL) is platform independent. It can be run in any computer environment that has a runtime engine for the language.

In order to execute the intermediate language program, it must be interpreted a line at a time into machine language or compiled into machine language and run.

18) What is difference between VBScript and JavaScript?
Vbscript will be run on IE
JavaScript runs on any browser
Vbscript is developed by ms
Java script by Sunmicrosystems
Vb not case sensitive
Java is case sensitive

19) What is ObjRef object in remoting?

ObjRef is a searializable object returned by Marshal() that knows about location of the remote object, host name, port number, and object name.

20) How can we create custom controls in ASP.NET?

Custom controls are user defined controls. They can be created by grouping existing controls, by deriving the control from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl or by enhancing the functionality of any other custom control. Custom controls are complied into DLL’s and thus can be referenced by as any other web server control.

Basic steps to create a Custom control:

1. Create Control Library
2. Write the appropriate code
3. Compile the control library
4. Copy to the DLL of the control library to the project where this control needs to be used
5. The custom control can then be registered on the webpage as any user control through the @Register tag.

21) What is the Pre-Compilation feature of ASP.NET 2.0?

Previously, in ASP.NET, the pages and the code used to be compiled dynamically and then cached so as to make the requests to access the page extremely efficient. In ASP.NET 2.0, the pre-compilation feature is used with which an entire site is precompiled before it is made available to users.

There is a pre-defined folder structure for enabling the pre-compilation feature:

* App_Code: stores classes
* App_Themes: stores CSS files, Images, etc.
* App_Data: stores XML files, Text Files, etc.

It is a process where things that can be handled before compilation are prepared in order to reduce the deployment time, response time, increase safety. It’s main aim to boost performance.

It also helps in informing about the compilation failures.

During development, it allows you to make changes to the web pages and reuse it using the same web browser to validate the changes without compiling the entire website.

During deployment, it generates the entire website folder structure in the destination. All the static files are copied to the folder and bin directory would later on contain the compiled dll.

* App_GlobalResources: stores all the resources at global level E.g. resx files, etc
* App_LocalResources: stores all the resources at local/Page level

22) What is the purpose of Server.MapPath method in Asp.Net?

In Asp.Net Server.MapPath method maps the specified relative or virtual path to the corresponding physical path on the server. Server.MapPath takes a path as a parameter and returns the physical location on the hard drive. Syntax

Suppose your Text files are located at D:\project\MyProject\Files\TextFiles

If the root project directory is MyProject and the aspx file is located at root then to get the same path use code

//Physical path of TextFiles
string TextFilePath=Server.MapPath("Files/TextFiles");


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